


La Xarxa

XRCB is a non-commercial project by Cultura Viva, a Barcelona City Council project, in collaboration with the guifi.net /exo.cat communities.

XRCB (Barcelona Community Radio Network) is:

A map of Barcelona radio stations.
Discover the history and diversity of community radio stations in the city of Barcelona by navigating the map. Free reference radios, emerging stations or ephemeral broadcasting stations, these independent radios and streaming nodes are the voice of the city’s numerous cultural scenes and communities.

A channel fed by the contents of all the linked projects.
The XRCB is a radio of radios, a community station with a program that feeds from thecontents of all the radio stations that are part of the network.

A research about the future of radio as a means of transmission.
In order to experiment with technologies, formats, contents, and ways to make community radio sustainable, it is necessary to know the experience of existing radios and podcasts. How they have emerged, what resources they have, how they are managed, how they are sustained, and how they conquer their audience.
We have interviewed radios, broadcasters, podcasters, and digital media experts to find out how they have carried out their projects, and we have asked them how they imagine the radio of the future.

A community
La xarxa is a community of radio stations that seek to support each other through shared infrastructural resources. It has a physical studio (The first node of the network in Ràdio Fabra) to experiment and produce audio contents.